Organic Gardening in your very ownrainforest property in Belize
Obtaining a rainforest property in Belize not only
gives you the bonus to live in a beautiful Belize
homefor sale it also gives you the opportunity to grow your own organic
Organic means you won't be using man-made
fertilizers or pesticides, but that doesn't mean your plants are left to fend
for themselves. There are a
variety of all-natural techniques that you can employ right at your Belizehome
that will create a
healthy, vibrant organic garden or crop.
Before planting
your favorite cropsyou must first prepare the ground. In order to get the best results make
sure your soil has plenty of humus.
You’ll want to
mix in compost, leaf and grass clippings and manurewhich can be found in your belize real estate backyard.
Choose plants
that will be well adjusted to each spot, in terms of light, moisture,
drainage and soil quality. The happier your plants are, the more resistant
they'll be to attackers. Consider solving
your weed problem without the use of toxic chemicals. Don’t forget that weeds
also grow tremendously fast in any intentional
One method is to
use a lot of layers of newspaperas weeds can’t grow without sunlight. If slugs
are an issue in your garden, a beer trap can make them go away. Bury a jar in
the garden with its mouth open and level to the ground. Now, fill the jar with
beer to approximately an inch below the lip. Slugs are attracted to the beer
and become trapped in the container.
If you have an organic garden and children, check
out what other ecovillages are doingand expand into growing
many fruit trees, like overbearing
papaya or bananas, both plentiful in Belize.
Organic gardening
is definitely within everybody’s reach in any cayobelize real estate. These are only a few tips to get you
started visit our website for more information or call Toll-free from North
America: 1-877-836-2756.
If you are looking for real estate in Belize do not hesitate to contact us! Trust RE/MAX expertise when you come to Belize! For more information email or call Toll Free from North America 1-877-836-2756.
Better in Belize Ecovillage
Mile 10.5 Mollejon Road/Water Hole Area
Benque Viejo Del Carmen
Cayo, Belize
Central America/Western Caribbean
GPS: 17.000w / 89.000n
Contact Info
Belize: (501) 824-0550
Toll free from North America:
RE/MAX Property Center
30 Burns Ave. San Ignacio
Cayo, Belize
Central America
(501) 824-0550
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