An Orchid or two at Better in Belize

When exploring the rainforest in Belize, you will come across several species of orchids. Many of them hold fragrant and beautiful flowers. What is more enticing is that these orchids can be found in the rainforest at Better in Belize Ecovillage. When purchasing cheapoff grid land for sale you will end up pleasantly surprised on what is available in your own backyard. This tropical climate off grid community isfound at the foot of the MayaMountains of Belize. It is home to 128 lots most of which have already been sold.

Did you know that the National Flower of Belize is an orchid? The Black Orchid or as its scientific nameEncyclia Cochleatum, or also known as the cockleshell or clamshell orchid is Belize’s National Flower. The flower is not actually black but a sort of deep purple and looks like an upside-down lip with a light-yellow color. The Black Orchid is one of the few orchids found in Belizerainforest land for sale that flower all year long.

There are over 20,000 known species of orchids and more being found everyday but they are most common in moist tropical regionslike rainforest property in Belize. Althoughmoderate orchids usually grow in the soil, tropical orchids are more often epiphytes which grow on trees and undisturbed rainforest areas.

Orchids are masters of deception they vary considerably in shape color and size, although they share a common pattern of three petals and three petal-like sepals. The reproductive parts of many orchid flowers are shaped and colored to look like the kind of insect they hope to attract thus deceiving the insect into pollinating them. Be amazed and ask about them when booking a Belize real estate tour.

In many countries many trees and plants, like orchids, have been removed from the rain forest and cultivated but you can own your Belize property for sale. Just give us a call at our Toll-free from North America: 1-877-836-2756 or email us at


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